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    Lucky Trendy Star Model Lash SMT 1006


    Product Of Japan

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    Lucky Trendy Star Model Lash, Paket berisi 5 bulu mata dengan desain unik, simpel maupun glamor. Dibuat dengan kualitas terbaik sehingga bisa digunakan berkali-kali

    Product Reviews


    Lucky Trendy Star Model Lash

    Bulu matanya terlihat natural, enak dipakainya. Good lah pokoknya

    Average rating for Star Model Lash SMT 1006: 5 / 5 based on 1 reviews

    Lucky Trendy Star Model Lash (Choose Type), bulu mata dengan desain unik, simpel maupun glamor. Berisi 5 pasang yang mudah digunakan dan bisa digunakan berkali-kali. Pilih bulu mata berdesain runcing untuk memberikan efek tegas dan glamor atau berbulu tipis dan panjang untuk tampilan natural, alami maupun untuk Anda yang memiliki bulu mata tebal. 

    Cara Pakai:

    • Gunting bulu mata bila perlu, oleskan lem bulu mata di akar Lucky Trendy Star Model Lash
    • Tempelkan dan cabut perlahan bila sudah tidak digunakan.

    Lucky Trendy - Star Model Lash (Choose Type)


    Lucky Trendy - Star Model Lash (Choose Type)

    Lucky Trendy

    Founded in Osaka, Japan in 1887, Lucky Trendy has been creating and manufacturing hair accessories, make-up tools, nail care, and other beauty goods for over 120 years. â—†Hair Curler We continue to follow the different cultures and hair styles, and have experiences with them for more than half of a century. We suggest our classic hair curlers which have always been loved by many women. â—†Hair Accessories Our products range from general classic items to innovated merchandizes. You will experience these special designs and magical ways of hair products in your daily life. â—†Makeup Tool Our beauty goods give you complete makeovers from head to toe! It makes you feel comfortable and beautiful! â—†Beauty Goods Our beauty goods give you complete makeovers from head to toe! It makes you feel comfortable and beautiful! â—†Eyelash We designed these variety-fashionable eyelashes from Japan. We believe "the eyes" make the best impressions of you as a person - We offer these eyelashes in many different styles - - cute, beautiful, elegant, myterious…etc

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