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    Jacquelle Electric Rose Quartz Face Massager

    ITEM CN1225

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    Product Reviews

    Jacquelle Electric Rose Quartz Face Massager - Jade Roller Elektrik untuk Wajah

    Indulge yourself in a skincare routine for that post-facial glowing skin (self-facial treatment indeed) using Jacquelle’s Vibrating Rose Quartz Electric Face Massager

    Feel the soothing touch of Rose Quartz to help calm your skin, designed to cool and contour your face. Using the gentle vibrations to perfecting the results of your skincare routine whilst releasing your facial tension.

    How to use :

    • After cleansing, use your daily skincare routine (or simply after using a sheetmask). Gently move the roller across your face, moving outwards from your nose. Can also be used on the neck in an upwards motion towards the chin.

    • You can use it after applying sheetmask (after removed) for perfectly pampered skin


    Jacquelle adalah brand yang memproduksi invisible eyelid tape atau stiker kelopak mata. Dengan menggunakan Jacquelle eyelid tape maka kelopak mata anda akan lebih lebar sehingga memudahkan dalam pemakaian eyeliner, eyeshadow, dan bulu mata palsu. Jacquelle eyelid tape terlihat natural dan transparan, menyatu dengan warna kulit.

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